peace be upon u, peeps.
i don't know what is wrong with me.. i'm done with finals, but i just can't get rid of all the medical terms, mechanisms, pathophysiology, etc.. huhuhu.. adakah harus dimuntahkan semuanya baru boleh tido dengan lena?
haih.. ok now, hurm.. please, don't think that i'm trying to show off - am not okeh.. =,='
its just that these things been wandering in my head, which later will alter my pleasant dreams.. and turn it into a nightmare.. hukhuk.. pernah mimpi sedang sit exam?? ya, itulah yang terjadi sekarang.. penat!
psst!! kalau mimpi kawen, xpe jgk kn.. tehee~ PANGG!!
alright, alright.. serious mimi.. just now, a friend of mine had a sprained ankle - rajin sgt berfutsal kan.. haissh. well, i'm worried lah, tapi haha.. no way i'm gonna tell him, "hey, org risau ni.. mkn ubt! mkn ubt!".. haha.. why?? saya brutal, dan dia macho okeh.. macam gedik je nak worry much.. but then, he said that a sprained ankle is normal for him.. there's nothing to worry much.. yelah.. nasib baik minor, kalau tak, tempang seumur hidup.. ko nak z?..hihi.. dah-dah.. jom kita terjah tentang terseliuh jom!
terseliuh? sprained ankle? ape tu??(ok, seriously rasa poyo skrg)
A sprained ankle or twisted ankle as it is sometimes known, is a common cause of ankle pain. A sprain is stretching and or tearing of ligaments (you sprain a ligament and strain a muscle). The most common is an inversion sprain (or lateral ligament sprain) where the ankle turns over so the sole of the foot faces inwards, damaging the ligaments on the outside of the ankle.
terseliuh adalah bahaya weih... why???
sebab damage of ligaments can leads to damage to tendons, bone and other joint tissues -- which is why it is important to get a professional to diagnose your ankle sprain -- precautions, bukan memanjakan diri okeh.
woh, bahaya!! pastu??
If possible an X-ray should be used, as small fractures or avulsion fractures are not uncommon. Severely sprained ankles, where there are complete ruptures of the anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments, result in dislocation of the ankle joint which are often associated with a fracture. <---- fracture!!! fracture z!! sila la hati-hati sket lain kali.. ish.
macam melampau kan nak x-ray bagai kalau kaki xlebam pun, just rse sakit bila nak berjalan.. so, nak buat macam mana?? treatment yang simple2 je - malaslah nak jumpa doctor...
ok, sila amalkan RICE.. haha. RICE tu ape plak?? -->(Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
ni selalunya orang buat untuk emergency case.
- R is for rest. It is important to rest the injury to reduce pain and prevent further damage. Many therapists advocate partial weight bearing as soon as pain will allow. This is thought to accelerate rehabilitation.. jangan mengada nak sambung main, bukan boleh scores gol pun dengan keadaan macam ni.. lagipun, ko berada di posisi pertahanan, bukan striker.. haha. okok, no offense, z. tehee~
- I is for ICE or cold therapy. Applying ice and compression can ease the pain, reduce swelling, reduce bleeding (initially) and encourage blood flow (when used later). Apply an ice pack or similar immediately following injury for 15 minutes. Repeat this every 2 hours. (yang ni common kan, semua orang tahu buat..hihi)
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letak ais dlm ni, ye.. poyo je, padahal sume org dh tahu. pfft! |
- C is for compression - This reduces bleeding and helps reduce swelling. A Lousiana wrap bandaging technique is excellent for providing support and compression to a recently injured ankle. yang korang duk balut-balut sprained ankle tu la Lousiana wrap sebenarnya.
- E is for Elevation - Uses gravity to reduce bleeding and swelling by allowing fluids to flow away from the site of injury. So put your feet up and get someone else to wait on you! kan terseliuh tu block salur darah, sebab tu penting untuk tinggikan posisi kaki.. nanti takdelah darah menyerbu ke tempat terseliuh tu dan worsen it.. =)
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alololo.. sweetnye.. haha.. macam nilah ye.. tinggikan kaki sket.. |
kalau sports injury specialist kat tempat kejadian, dia buat ape??
- A sports injury specialist will undertake a thorough assessment of the injury so time is not wasted treating the wrong condition.. yelah, kang ada jugak yang mengada urut sendiri, jangan! bahaya!
- A doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication (e.g. ibuprofen, paracetamol) to help with pain and swelling. -- sakit apa pun bagi ibuprofen, panadol. haha. standard lah tu.. murah dan senang untuk didapati. oh ye!! jangan makan ibuprofen/aspirin kalau anda sedang flu!! boleh leads to death sebab dia akan enhance flu itu.. kalau paracetamol, takpe.
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ibuprofen/aspirin (pil putih) |
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ibuprofen (pil pink) |
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ibuprofen (gel) |
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ibuprofen (oren) |
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paracetamol (pil) |
- Reduce swelling by compression devices or taping techniques. this one is about yang balut- balut tu.. tadi dah cakap tentang Lousiana wrap kan?? sebenarnya ada lagi balutan style lain.. yang lagi susah tapi effective, dan usually specialist je tahu.. =)
- Use ultrasound and laser treatment to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing.. specialist memang ada alat-alat canggih, biasa lah.. jangan mengada nak laser-laser sendiri - lumpuh terus kang. ish!
- Use cross friction massage to promote healing and reduce scar tissue development.. oh, please.. janganlah urut sebarangan, professionals ada, let them do it for you.. paling hardcore, usap-usap je okeh.
- Prescribe a full ankle rehabilitation programme to strengthen the joint and help prevent future ankle sprains.. this is when u have sprained your ankle severely.. then, tak nak bagi terseliuh lagi..
alright, DONE! haha.. lega boleh keluarkan apa yang bermain di fikiran dari tadi.. hihihi.. well, semoga entry ini bermanfaat untuk semua.. do take a good care of yourself, people....
z! balut kaki ko dengan ais sekarang!! hoho.. get well soon, friend~
p/s :: please consult your doctor, physician and pharmacist for further information!
panjangnya post..haha..well..bgus gok nie..ore pun sbnarnya tgh blaja bnda2 gnie jgk utk sbjek pj slain anatomy..hehe..thanx then mimi..=)
ReplyDeletepjg sbb pics.. =P
same2 shem!