Cool Widgets

Friday, December 31, 2010

1.1.11(dh post smlm, server down, hr ni br dpt. sobs3)

hey there, peace be upon u..

hmm.. lets see.. nk ckp psl ape ni.. well, esok tahun baru.. i'm in my room, having my supper (crispy chicken fillet with fried rice and strawberry juice).. muahaha.. my tummy mmg stok perot longkang.. i'm in love with foods.. tapi, body tetap sekeping - =_=" .. why? adakah ini juga genetik? hoho.. it's okay, bersyukur sebab tidak obesiti.. hihi..

bercakap soal malam tahun baru ni.. hurm.. masa zaman jahiliah dulu, pernah la menyertai konsert.. AF contestants datang.. pfft!! teehee..

now, rasa seperti merayakan tahun baru adalah tidak perlu.. sekadar mengenang what we have done, what is wrong, what is right, etc2. dan berdoa supaya menjadi lebih baik adalah better, bukan? hehe.. bersyukurlah dengan apa yang ada.. perbaikilah segala cacat cela.. apologizing and forgiving should be applied during new year's eve.. rather than, having fun doing immoral things yang kononnya "this is the way of celebrating and appreciating youth, bro" -- such a waste. for me. ^^,

i'm living in a wayyyyyyyy different mentality of people - liberalism.
where you can find youths french-kissing on the sidewalk, etc2.. - budaya kuning. merata-rata.
malam tahun baru, apatah lagi, jangan bayangkan. not good, not good.. tehee~
ouh, jangan malukan diri seperti itu. moral jangan diletak di kepala lutut. not good.. not good. everyone knows why those things are not good, right? (sebenarnya, pemalas nak explain pjg lebar- kang melalut ;P)

malam tahun baru ni, reminds me of my beloved ones.. i wish i am at home right now, enjoying fireworks on tv, accompanied by my family.. huhu.. stop dreaming, gumiho! haih. rindu. yang teramat.

i called them just now, they're doing fine. and hoping i'm doing fine too.. =)
yeah, i'll always be fine as long as all of you are doing fine too.
(ok, dh brp byk pkataan fine kt situ? haih. masih anak2 dalam penulisan blog. maaf. tehee)

well, peeps. happy new year!!!
jom berusaha untuk menjadi seorang insan yang lebih baik.. for us and people around us.

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